Trauma Focused – YWHP’s approach; recognising strengths, encouraging resilience

posted by by Theresa Wilding on 29th April 2016

Sometimes things just click into place…an understanding of a trauma focused approach and providing the right support at the right time is key to enabling strengths to be recognised and resilience to be built…our 1st post from Good Practice in Promoting Recovery and Healing for abused Adults describes how this underpins the work done at YWHP:

“Recognising strengths, encouraging resilience

Resilience is the ability to cope and bounce back from all types of challenges. Resilience can be increased if young people have high self-esteem, can self-reflect, have positive role models in their lives and have coping strategies for negative situations. These strategies include:

  • having support networks to turn to – family, friends, local resources
  • having the ability to problem solve
  • seeking help when needed
  • having confidence to take control of the situation.

Our work aims to empower clients to be able to act when faced with difficult situations rather than feeling helpless and paralysed. The more they deal successfully with difficulties the more confident they will become and this builds further resilience and aids the healing process.


  • Do not focus on the negatives of a client’s situation but find the strengths and assets they are already using and help them to build on these.”

Extract from Chapter 8, Helping Recovery & Healing, A Supported Housing Project Approach by Jacqui Smith (YWHP) from Good Practice in Promoting Recovery and Healing for abused Adults edited by Jacki Pritchard.

Copyright © Jessica Kingsley Publishers 2013

Reproduced with permission of JESSICA KINGSLEY PUBLISHERS via PLSclear

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